Wednesday, 22 October 2014


…Continued from previous post

Practical Tips on How to Make Money Without Money

7.      Apply to government funding programs:YOU WIN gives loans to entrepreneurs, they monitor the business for three years after which, the money is converted to a grant that the business owner doesn’t need to pay back.

8.      Write an e-book or cell-phone novel: In Japan it is popular to write and distribute novels via mobile phones, specifically text message.  In 2007, five of the top ten best selling novels in Japan were mobile phone novels written specifically for the medium.

9.      Start an online business where you provide a platform to sell third party items and you can earn a commission on sales

1.  Start blogging, increase traffic to your site and earn advertising revenues through ad sense.

1.  Pre-sales/Get paid upfront: A good model would be to get your prospective customers to pay upfront before you order, manufacture or purchase products for sale.

1.  Get free professional advise: There are many professionals offering free advise for example you can check my blog for free advise on managing your finances, incorporating a business, etc

Brett Kelly is a perfect example of someone who made money and even got his dream job with as little as $100. Brett was a talented programmer /blogger, who stumbled upon a new software he really enjoyed using called Evernote and decided to write an e-book, Evernote Essentials, on how to use the software. He contacted the company via their general email to ask if he could use their logo. They really liked the idea of the book and agreed he could use the name but not the logo. They also offered to help promote the book. He sent the first draft for review and they liked it and told him the CEO of the company wanted to meet him. He met the CEO, who offered him a job that he wasn’t even looking for and he was allowed to work from home since he didn’t want to move cities. Not only did he make money from sales of the e-book but he was also able to earn money from his dream job. They created a job for him, that didn’t even exist, based on his strengths i.e. writing and programming. He runs the corporate website and writes user documentation.
In conclusion, the most important thing is to have a vision, start small and start now. Money is definitely not a limiting factor neither is it a means to an end.


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